Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 26 - CHEVERE

This week was a pretty good one!

So on Wednesday we had a lesson with a recent convert named Hayrum.  He's super cute, he's only 10 years old, and he got baptized about a month ago. His family is less active, but they are super cute. His grandma was there too, and she was cutting up this giant fish which kind of made me want to throw up, but that was okay. Then we had a day full of rejection! But it's okay, because that means we are doing our job. Everyone has their agency, and if we give them the opportunity to listen to the message that is the best we can do.

Friday was an AWESOME day. First we had district meeting, which was good. I'm getting to know the district a little better. Almost all of the missionaries in our district are leaving in the next few months.  It's crazy! There is one Elder who is really fun who's name is Elder Riley. And he gave me a heart attack because we were leaving and he goes "Bring it in" and acted like he was going to hug my companion!  But he was just messing around. So later we went throughout out day, and I swear all of our appointments started falling through. I was amazed that so many bad things could happen in one day!

Saturday was a long day. We didn't teach any lessons, and I felt like Satan was winning because it was hard for me to open my mouth and talk with people about the restored gospel. It has been hard for me here in Poway because everyone in Brawley would usually talk to you and hear you out and even if they didn't want to hear the message they would still be very nice about it. But here in Poway people are so mean!  So I was a little discouraged on Saturday, and also I got kind of sick so I skipped dinner. Which was a mistake because Sunday was fast Sunday and we didn't have dinner until 6 o'clock! Hangry took on a new meaning haha. But it was good. And we visited some members on Sunday, including the Valdez family.  And I love visiting them because they are seriously so sweet. Sister Valdez is so kind, she's like our mom out here.

I would have to say the best part of the week was meeting David and Fernando. They were a referral from the Tagalog Elders. So we went to meet them, and turns out Hernando read the whole Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price. And David really wants to read it! They also taught us a word for "cool" in Spanish which I have been searching for my whole mission. It's really not common among Mexican people, but in Columbia and Ecuador they say "chevere" which translates into cool! I was really excited when I found that out. And I was really excited to meet these two wonderful people that want to learn more about the gospel.
I know it's true.

I love you all, have a good week! 💘
Hermana Fowlks

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