Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Week 25 - Poway week 1

My first week in Poway!
Life here is good! The weather is a lot cooler that's for sure. And though I do miss Brawley soooo much, there are so many people here to love.  On the first day, we actually didn't teach any lessons, which was sad. And you would think that would discourage me.  But actually when I know I am doing the work of the Lord I don't get discouraged too easily. Sometimes it's just hard. But our apartment is super nice! It's huge! And there's no bugs! The only bummer is the air conditioning doesn't work as well and there is clutter everywhere and that kind of bugs me. But we have wifi in the apartment because there is a member that lives beneath us! Who hoo! And there are 2 companionships of elders that live here too, and they live in a 4 man just a few apartments down. This area is so different than Brawley, but I'm already starting to love it!

Wednesday was a pretty good day, we had dinner with the Valdez family.  I was still kind of trying to get over my homesickness for Brawley. I miss that place a lot! The people there are sooooo much nicer. And I just feel more at home there, but that's probably because it was my home haha. This is my new home now and I've just got to learn to love it! Also running is harder here because there are a lot of hills.

Thursday we had the chance to help out with a youth conference from Saratoga Springs in Utah. We took a couple of Laurels out with us and took them finding. Poor things were super tired, and hot, and they realized that missionary work is not easy. But I also think they really enjoyed themselves because missionary work just makes you feel good! We also met the elders for the first time today....they are so awkward.  I miss the missionaries in the Valley haha. We don't ever do zone activities here! Ever! So sad! Not even like basketball or signs or anything. It's just me and Sis Bartholemew here. But her and I fall really well together. I think we'll be able to work hard together. We both really want to do work, so that's good. I really miss Sister Garcia though. Man, I feel like missions are called missions because you MISS so many people all the time!

Friday I woke up feeling a little better about things, starting to adjust to this new area and stuff. It was a little better! Then we had district meeting in which I tried really hard not to compare the two areas, but I was un successful haha. But I will warm up to these new missionaries soon! And then on Friday all of our appointments fell through, but we had some really good street contacts that hopefully will turn out good. It's hard because there are not a lot of Spanish speakers here, so we can find a super prepared person and we have to send them to the English speaking missionaries. Or something like that. But our area is huge because there are only 2 sets of Spanish speaking missionaries out here. Us, and the elders in Ramona. So we are over the whole stake, but there is just one Spanish branch in the stake.

Saturday we had every single appointment fall through. But, we did see a miracle! We were walking down the street, and we had been praying for an opportunity to teach a lesson to someone on the street, and a girl started walking towards us with her headphones. Then when we tried to talk to her she actually took them out and listened! It was a miracle. And then she said we could come back and teach her more. So hopefully that goes well! But it was super cool.

Sunday we had church. And it's very different from Brawley, but it was good. There are more people in the branch! But I'm used to everyone knowing us and smiling and waving and that did not happen. But it's okay, every area is different :) then later on Sunday we met with some members, who are sooooo nice. The Reyes family and the Bravo family.  The members here are great. And I already love them! I want to do everything I can to serve them.

This week, I really learned a lot about why love is so important. These people that I am here serving with can sometimes seem scary, and sometimes they are scary. 😅But as I try to look at them as my Heavenly Father does, I am able to show them that love that He would show if he was here. (Or at least I try to!) I've also learned about sacrifice from the example of one of our investigators named Ramón. He's an older guy, and has such a sincere desire to come closer to Jesus Christ. He loves the Book of Mormon, but he can't come to church because his boss won't give him Sunday's off. So on Friday we happened to find him, and he told us that he was going to quit his job and get another one because he wants to come to church with us! That's just such a good example to me of how we can sacrifice to show Heavenly Father that we love him. :)

 And last, but not least, I found a new favorite scripture! It's in 2 Corinthians 5:7
"(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)"
HOW AWESOME IS THAT. So I invite you all to take a leap of faith this week. Invite someone to church, go to church if you haven't been for a while, open up the Book of Mormon and ask Heavenly Father if it is true. And I can promise you that it is, and that Jesus Christ lives and loves you. :)
I love you all, thanks for all of your love and support!
Hermana Fowlks

Sis Fowlks and Sis Bartholomew at the San Diego Temple
Cute member family la familia Bravo

My hand and the biggest most terrifying spider I have ever seen!

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