Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Week 75 - Baptize Converts and Dunk Basketballs

Hi everyone!
We had a solid week this week. We have had lots of opportunities to find new people and that is awesome. We were able to teach our investigator named Angel and we invited his wife to sit with us! And she did! It was really cool because he has been taught by missionaries before and she has never sat in on a lesson. And she agreed to read "The Family: Proclamation to the World." And everyone should read this. Its awesome.

Also, something funny that happened this week... some of the elders in our ward were playing basketball with some little kids, and they all just wanted him to dunk. One of the Elders is pretty tall, but he can't dunk! And he was so embarrassed. So later that week in district meeting he suddenly yells, "Sisters! I just want to baptize converts and dunk basketballs! Is that too much to ask??" And so we joke that is part of our purpose now.

Also, last week, a member from my old area was able to go to the temple an receive his endowments! None of his family are able to go to the temple right now and so he invited pretty much all the missionaries that had served in his area to come with him to the temple. It was such a beautiful thing and I was so happy for him.
And.. Sandra was able to go to the temple to do baptisms! She loved every minute of it. We are so excited for her sister to get baptized in a few weeks and then we can all go to the temple together. 💕
Heavenly Father is so loving and when we do what is right, we are happy.
I love you all!
Hermana Fowlks
Hermana Fowlks in a tree
 Julian and the Hermanas at the temple
 All of the missionaries were there to support Julian!
 Lunch after the temple!

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