Ok this has literally been the craziest week of my life. So I will sum up:
So Thursday was the kickoff of the #LIGHTtheWORLD initiative! It was so cool. We decided as a companionship to do something for some Haitian refugees that we have been teaching. So we started contacting our members to see if they had any clothes to bring, or anything. And tons of members showed up! It was awesome! So we get there, we drop off the clothes, and we're getting ready to leave when all of a sudden we see the elders coming down the stairs basically carrying this woman who was obviously in pain. And we asked what was going on and they weren't sure because she actually didn't speak Spanish or English, she spoke French. But after a minute we figured out SHE WAS HAVING HER BABY. Yeah. So we helped her get into a member's car and he drove her to the hospital with another member and another random guy that spoke French. It was so crazy! But a miracle because if we weren't there she would have had no car and they would have had to call and wait for an ambulance and everything.
Nice welcome to the area right?
So then on Saturday, we were walking out from a lesson with one of our members, and my companion started talking to this man and he explained to her that he was having a horrible day. So obviously we knew what could make his day better and continued to talk to him. Turns out he had pretty much lost everything over the last year and was angry at God and had been living on the streets for the last 10 days. We wanted to help him, but we weren't really sure what to do and our member had to go but he didn't want to leave us alone with this man so we called the elders. As we continued to talk to him, we asked what we could do to help. Because he didn't want to talk about God. So he said if he could just find somewhere to sleep until Monday and somewhere to shower he would be very grateful.
So the elders show up, and we explain to them what is going on, and we ask if they know anyone that would be willing to let this man (his name is Jim) stay with them. So they start making some calls, and all of a sudden Julian, the member that was with them, offered his house! I was so grateful I could have cried!! So the elders took Jim to Julian's house, and then the other elders, the English speaking ones, took him to church the next day. And then we sent his info to the missionaries in National City because that's where he was going to work. But it was so cool and I felt so grateful to have helped him.
Then Sunday was a crazy day, because we had 9 people that wanted to come to church! But none of them can drive. So we got to their apartments, and had our members just coming and going picking them up and everything. It was crazy. And once we got all of them a ride to church, wouldn't you know it, our car battery had died. So we asked a nice man we met named Troy to help us and it all worked out except for the fact that we were an hour late to church.
And other crazy things happened, but I'm pretty sure I covered the main points. I love this new area! And I love all the people here! I'm so grateful to be a missionary.
I love you all, have a good week!
PS we have to give a training in zone conference tomorrow and neither of us have ever done that before. Pray for us!
Hermana Fowlks
Sister Klopfer and I after we almost delivered a baby!
Our Light the World kick off was collecting clothes for these refugees from Haiti.
Our cute friend Maria.
Us, the Elders and our friend Jim.
Family Home Evening last night.
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